SN Links

Natalie and I have started this page to make it easy for people interested in furthering their colouring skills. We will be adding helpful links as we find them.
Whenever you are instructed to print, have a sheet of white blending card in your printer. (If your printer ink is not compatible with the Spectrum pens, print onto paper and take it to be photocopied onto blending card).
Clicking on any of the higlighted underlined words will link straight to what is described.

Downloads is a link will take you to the Spectrum Noir Downloads page.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the Downloads page you will find the Charts section. We recommend you print (onto blending card) the Blank A4 Colour Chart .
You will also find it useful to print the Blank Colour Combination Chart to record your favourite blending groups.
Skin Tones Chart - print this, stamp out a series of images with faces, and colour them with the listed colours.
Hair Colour Combinations - again print this out, stamp suitable images and colour as suggested - your images will look quite different to the printed ones.

If you print off the Accreditation Colouring Test you will have some great images to practice on. If you have printed the Accreditation Sheet you can see how to colour the girl in the raincoat and hat here: Basic Blending and Correcting Mistakes videos

Also on  the Downloads page are the Colour Focus tutorials. At present they cover Yellows, Warm Greys, Purples, Pink, Browns and Blues. I'm being lazy here - move your cursor back to where I've highlighted "Downloads".

Other links of interest are:
 Colouring a paler toned face
Everything has a shadow - part 3 (contains links to part 1 and 2)
Going Dotty for Spring using dots to shade an image

21st Feb - just found this link  It has eight videos on colouring basics.

Have a look at the Video Tutorials
 Don't forget to click on the 'older entries' at the bottom to access more tutorials.

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